Obsidian is a notetaking and scond brain tool
Useful links
- https://dg-docs.ole.dev/ -> Digital garden info
- https://dannb.org/blog/2022/obsidian-daily-note-template/ -> Daily note template _template
- https://help.obsidian.md/How+to/Use+callouts -> Callouts
- https://github.com/kmaasrud/awesome-obsidian -> Awesome list!
- live sync plugin https://github.com/vrtmrz/obsidian-livesync/
- couchdb server setup https://github.com/vrtmrz/obsidian-livesync/blob/main/docs/setup_own_server.md
- GitHub - dartungar/obsidian-emotion-picker: Plugin for Obsidian.md that provides an easy way to insert emotions from a customizeable list.
- GitHub - tadashi-aikawa/obsidian-various-complements-plugin: This plugin for Obsidian enables you complete words like the auto-completion of IDE. fantastisk autocomplete til Obsidian
Git sync obsidian
To rollback when a "wrong" sync happens use
git revert CommitIdOfWrongCommit
Then, remove the local copy of files in obsidian, and recreate the vault and setup the sync again.
graph view
Exclude a specific folder from graph view
In the graph view, under "Filters", type
Then you can either continue typing the name of the path or select it from the pop-up window that appears with all the paths in your vault. Once you select a path it will be excluded from your graph view (because of the minus sign)