Filevault password out-of sync issues
The following steps will remove and re-add a user to filevault so that the password will be in sync with the user again. (This can happen when using mobile accounts with active directory when changing password from AD or another device)
You will need another admin account with a securetoken assigned to complete the process
- Type sudo fdesetup remove -user username and press Return, where username is your olanordmann username.
- Type the password of the admin account to which you are signed in, and then press Return.
Type sudo fdesetup add -usertoadd username and press Return, where username is your olanordmann username.
Type the username of an administrator's account on your Mac, and then press Return.
Type the password for the administrator's account from Step 6, and press Return.
Type the current password for the account you are re-adding, and then press Return.